Your AdWords Account Structure And History


Of all the things you have to consider when beginning your AdWords push, you might not think of your account, its history and its structure, as being too important. I thought a quick rundown of why that’s not a safe assumption was in order:

Account Structure

You could be doing all the right things, using all the right keywords, and launching an AdWords account without even realizing you were sabotaging yourself. If your account isn’t structured properly, you could be spending money inefficiently and hurting your overall business goals.

If you want to get the best return for your money, account structure is key. Here are some important tidbits:

  • Campaign structure is the key part of the account structure with regards to budgeting and themes. Campaigns should at first be broken up by brand terms and general terms. Brand terms should have much cheaper cost-per-clicks and better conversions rates when compared to general or non-brand campaigns. This difference in performance changes how you will optimize at the keyword and ad level.
  • Campaigns should be broken out by match type. Exact match, phrase match, broad match, and broad match modifier all have different pros and cons. They all will have different cost-per-clicks as well as conversion rates. When bunching all of these match types into the same campaigns, you will not get a true picture of how keywords are performing and this will affect your ability to optimize your keywords and ads.
  • Group keywords into themed ad groups. The ad being shown should be relevant to the keyword being searched by the user. Ads are implemented at the ad group level so if you lump all of your keywords into one group, there’s simply no way to make ads that are relevant to all of the keywords. Much better to break your keywords up into thematic groups, and create ads that are relevant to that theme. Many times we limit ad groups to one keyword in order to make the ad as relevant as possible. The more relevant the ad, the better the Quality Score for that keyword. A higher Quality Score leads directly to cheaper cost-per-clicks.

Anything I missed? Tell me on Twitter.

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