Making Sense Of Google Match Types

Google match types can be confusing to paid search campaign managers. Our agency makes it simple by identifying a strategy that works for all clients.

Google Broad Match

Verdict: never use it
Example: many accounts I’ve inherited contained widespread usage of uncontrolled broad match
Result: ads were triggered by irrelevant queries, leading to inefficient spend and inaccurate reporting

Google Phrase Match
Verdict: controllable, but somewhat irrelevant after the release of broad match modifier

Example: keywords can only be added before or after the actual keyword phrase
Result: casts a wider net than exact match, but is more limited than broad match modifier

Google Exact Match

Verdict: every keyword in your AdWords account should be on exact match
Example: best starting point for new keywords, completely controlled and accurately measurable
Result: an advertiser can report, analyze, measure, and expand upon successful keywords

Google Broad Match Modifier

Verdict: every keyword in your AdWords account should be on broad match modifier
Example: in the account structure,  advertisers have all keywords within ad groups on both exact match and broad match modifier
Result: the account has cast the widest net possible without risking irrelevant matching and/or inefficient spend

By following this Google match type strategy for all clients, Lead Horse has achieved success through casting wide, yet efficient visibility nets.

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